Domain monitoring

According to the Hungarian Rules of Domain Name Registration any application shall be published for 8 days on a waiting list. In our domain monitoring service you may request monitoring on any mark therefore you may oppose any conflicting domain name application which may be harmful on your rights during the 8-days publication period.
We send a notice on any harmful domain name application published on the waiting list if it is identical to or similar with the mark in our monitoring system with the following details:
- conflicting application
- name of the applicant
- date of the application
- deadline to file objection
Upon request we help you to prepare and file the proper objection.
Domain monitoring
6 hónap (26 teljes hét): HUF 12.000 +VAT
1 year (52 weeks) HUF 20.000+VAT
Ordering monitoring services for 10 Domain and/or Trade mark for a year
Ordering monitoring services for 50 Domain and/or Trade mark for a year