Trade mark monitoring

Our service helps you to get information on any harmful trade mark application. Upon your needs we provide monitoring services focusing only on the national applications filed in Hungary or full monitoring including all community trade mark application and international application extended to Hungary.
You may file opposition against the published trade mark applications for that purpose we provide information on the deadline of filing opposition, cost of opposition and name of the Office you may file opposition. Upon request we may provide professional legal help to prepare and file opposition.
Védjegy monitoring (nemzeti, nemzetközi és közösségi)
6 hónap: 12.000 Ft + áfa
1 év: 20.000 Ft + áfa
Védjegy monitoring kizárólag nemzeti védjegyekre
6 hónap: 6.000 Ft + áfa
1 év: 10.000 Ft + áfa
Ordering monitoring services for 10 Domain and/or Trade mark for a year
Ordering monitoring services for 50 Domain and/or Trade mark for a year